Saturday, February 24, 2007

Web site down

My apologies to all attempting to view our listed properties Saturday morning. The first time our site has been out of service since inception, and I brought it on myself trying to enhance the value of that page. Instead I made it disappear for several hours.
This blog is going to be about mortgages, so if that's not your interest you need not read on. We are busily trying to reach the many people who have Adjustable Rate Mortgages, or fixed rate that are about to morph into variable rate, by any means possible; direct mail, print media, word of mouth, etc., because the market is still favorable for refinancing into a good fixed rate mortgage. While we are trying to do this we notice ads on craigslist, TV, and in print advertising trying to attract people to finance at 1%, 1.25% etc. attempting to lure people into the very situations we want to rescue them from. (I know that's a preposition but that's where the sentence ended). It should be illegal to use terms like 1%, rate, interest, and mortgage in the same sentence in advertising mortgages. The NOTE rate which is what you sign up for is hovering around the 6% level. That's the actual rate you're obligated to pay and which you are being charged. The 1% rate (or similar low figure) is what you are paying, and that teaser rate usually only applies to the first month in any case and then starts to increase. Any payment you make which is less than the actual amount owed, let's say 6%, is simply added to your principal balance, so each and every month your balance increases, and the interest you are obliged to pay is calculated on that increasing balance amount. These loans are called neg-ams (negative amortizing) and you can increase your debt at an alarming rate. At a time when real estate values have flattened it is a very simple matter to see your equity disappear and owe more than the sale value of your home. This has happened to many people, and is still happening to many more. We can generally find a way to help if we can only find a way to locate the people in trouble. If selling is the only way out of trouble our flat fee commission is a sure fire way to preserve as much of the equity as possible. Either way we get to feel good about helping and do some business besides. Financing we can do pretty much anywhere in California. Listing and selling we're not effective beyond Butte, Glenn and Tehama counties.
Apologies again for the web interruption, and as usual, thanks for visiting.


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