Saturday, January 24, 2009

General Views

Finally the hysteria is mainly behind us, mainly, but not altogether. Our new President has the reins and is taking charge. Already the order to close Guantanamo has been signed, but no idea what to do with the people there who will kill us given the opportunity. Assurances of absolutely no lobbyist positions in this administration and already a Raytheon boy is headed for number two position at the Pentagon, and the Treasury will inherit a tax cheat as Secretary to oversee, among other things, the IRS he cheated. Barney Frank has funneled some bail-out money to a bank in his district, possibly to help pay for the Porsche they use for a company car. B of A has found it necessary to request more bail-out funds to pay for the mistake of acquiring Merrill, and has fired Thain, the former head of Merrill, who among other transgressions, spent over a million dollars rehabbing his office. Patterson has finally ended the circus of selecting a replacement for Clinton for the New York Senate seat. Shouldn't have been that tough to replace her. Her only claim to fame was an inability to find law office records when requested, an inability to come up with a workable health care program, no public office experience other than apologizing for her adulterous husband. Now as Secretary of State she can monitor the contributions of the Arab money flowing into her husband's "library fund". Citigroup which had a capitalization of 119 Billion,has received two infusions of our money, one for 20 billion, another for 25 billion, and now has a capitalization of just 19 billion. As an investment strategy this government bail-out doesn't seem to be working out. Now of course the next 825 billion will be easier to dispose of now that the pattern is clear. And we haven't even talked about Illinois. "Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad".
My email and fax machine are busy daily promising great wealth if I will only refer people for loan modification and short sale negotiations. The one tonight offers $15,987.00 per month with almost NO WORK Almost too good to be true. One of our local Brokers is soliciting other agents for the same thing, and Craigs List, which we use heavily, is always full of ads directed both to agents and to consumers. An unbelievable amount of slime is concealed under the rocks, anxious for any opportunity to prey on the helpless and the gullible. We keep saying, and will keep saying, if you need help in negotiating with your lender, consult a local attorney. If you don't know one, call us. We don't accept money for a referral, nor will a legitimate office offer one.
Month to date the Chico area closed sales are 1/3 Foreclosed properties or short sales. Not a good thing, and heading for worse most likely. If you're interested in buying and want to look at foreclosed properties, please call us. We'll get you a list of the available properties in the price range and area of interest, show them to you, negotiate for you,(remember it's a lender on the other side of this transaction), and when the price is right, we'll get you a loan. This is what our license and experience qualifies us for. We'd love to help you, and you can go to the bank with the knowledge, if we can't help you we surely won't hurt you.
As usual,
Thanks for visiting


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