Monday, January 12, 2009

Greed And Arrogance

If it were not so terribly expensive, and potentially dangerous, watching the antics of our elected and appointed officials would be amusing verging on hilarious. The Illinois governor, about to be under indictment and hanging by a thread manages to pull on the string of the Senate leader Harry Reid whose posturing is childish and whose position is insupportable. Feinstein, aghast at the Obama choice for head of the CIA, within three days discovers he is the answer to every problem known to man with management skills of exceptional quality. Pelosi and Reid, with a little help from Dodd, Frank and some others are going to deny any Republican amendment suggestions to the pending trillion plus package for resuscitation of our economy. This is a heart warming view of cooperative spirit in the interests of the people. And then we have Mr. Madoff whose self interest defies description, performing in the private sector. We have banks, recipients of enormous largess from public funds, unable or unwilling to reveal what the money is being used for, or even where it went. We have the government encouraging the revision of mortgage contracts, a distinctly illegal action by any other than bankruptcy courts. It's easy to believe that the world is now experiencing a new level of ineptitude and greed, but Hark!, as they say in the dime novels. Remember Richard Daley the first? Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall? Teapot Dome and oil? The original Ponzi? Anyone for the Holland Tulip extravaganza?
The only thing new is improved communication and the increasing ingenuity of the thieves and power seekers. Human nature is unchanged. The good guys still far outnumber the bad guys, but the bad guys have more effectively grasped the reins of power. It's probably not too late to change that, but indifference to, and tolerance for, selfish behaviour must be changed.
At a personal level we're witnessing a large number of opportunists sliding out from under the rocks attempting to take advantage of those suffering in these economic times. Offers to help in loan modification, for a fee of course, and offering real estate and mortgage people a split of these fees for referrals. There are offers of help in arranging short sales, or advice on the advisability of foreclosure as an option. I have some advice, and it's free. If you feel you need to talk to someone about either of these matters, see your CPA and/or your attorney. If you don't have one, get a referral to one. Real estate agents or mortgage agents are not qualified nor authorized to offer short sale or foreclosure advice. We are qualified to provide a property valuation, to sell your home, to finance or refinance your home, or to help you buy a home. Short sales and foreclosures have both legal and financial consequences. They require professional guidance. In all things be sure the person you're talking to has your best interests at heart. Speaking of best interests and hearts. Remember the Redding surgeons performing unecessary by-pass surgery? Money and power.
As usual,
thanks for visiting


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