It's almost impossible to assimilate the torrent of pronouncements, proclamations, promises, and just plain BS coming at us from our friends in politics, Federal and State. The State will soon be a past issue if some mechanism isn't found to remedy the effects of past profligacy in pension and benefit plans for government employees and teachers. We're threatened with a loss of services, educational funding, etc., which even realized, still won't stem the tide of debt already contracted. If the government can, without blushing, cause the contracts with bond-holders of Chrysler to be abrogated in favor of enhancing the UAW position, certainly someone with gumption could tell the government employees unions to take a hike with their bloated benefit programs. And then we could also drill for some of that offshore oil.
At the Federal level, Obama is like a kid on speed in a toy store. A trillion here, a trillion there, government designed automobiles, government controlled health care, Federal control of education, pretty soon he'll run out of ideas to spend things on, or to control. And then of course there are the dolts Pelosi and Reid orchestrating the collapse of capitalism. Racing to adopt the European model of economics they ignore the facts of the failure of those models, and more importantly, the disastrous consequences of trading freedom for social welfare. The indolence induced by a paternalistic government has caused a lack of innovation, and even a shrinking of family size, to a level which already has in place an irretrievable march to extinction. The Muslim population, originally allowed to immigrate to do the work for the indolent native populations, is reproducing at a rate already destined to make them the dominate culture in our lifetime. So, we have a President with no practical experience in anything, surrounded by a group of mental midgets, busily dispensing tax dollars to recipients to whom they owe for favors at the polls, or using criminals like ACORN to insure that the next election will be be controlled by the welfare crowd.
Independence in thought and action, self determination and self-reliance are not dead, but they are viewed with fear by the folks at Homeland Security and will get you put on a list of dangerous folk, along with military veterans for some obscure reason. If you enjoy reading about and sharing in the value system that made us great, let me make you a suggestion. Send an email to, and they will put you on a mailing list for their publication, FREE. Hillsdale College is a Liberal Arts College that in its entire history has never taken a dime of government money, and never will. They honor initiative and effort, and reading the many authors and lecturers who appear in their publication "Imprimus", is great fun. Mention my name in your email if you wish, or not.
As usual,
thanks for stopping by.
At the Federal level, Obama is like a kid on speed in a toy store. A trillion here, a trillion there, government designed automobiles, government controlled health care, Federal control of education, pretty soon he'll run out of ideas to spend things on, or to control. And then of course there are the dolts Pelosi and Reid orchestrating the collapse of capitalism. Racing to adopt the European model of economics they ignore the facts of the failure of those models, and more importantly, the disastrous consequences of trading freedom for social welfare. The indolence induced by a paternalistic government has caused a lack of innovation, and even a shrinking of family size, to a level which already has in place an irretrievable march to extinction. The Muslim population, originally allowed to immigrate to do the work for the indolent native populations, is reproducing at a rate already destined to make them the dominate culture in our lifetime. So, we have a President with no practical experience in anything, surrounded by a group of mental midgets, busily dispensing tax dollars to recipients to whom they owe for favors at the polls, or using criminals like ACORN to insure that the next election will be be controlled by the welfare crowd.
Independence in thought and action, self determination and self-reliance are not dead, but they are viewed with fear by the folks at Homeland Security and will get you put on a list of dangerous folk, along with military veterans for some obscure reason. If you enjoy reading about and sharing in the value system that made us great, let me make you a suggestion. Send an email to, and they will put you on a mailing list for their publication, FREE. Hillsdale College is a Liberal Arts College that in its entire history has never taken a dime of government money, and never will. They honor initiative and effort, and reading the many authors and lecturers who appear in their publication "Imprimus", is great fun. Mention my name in your email if you wish, or not.
As usual,
thanks for stopping by.